
Song: Yen-j 《嚴爵》- Thanks Your Greatness 《謝謝你的美好》

This was one of Yen-j’s that I especially love since he entered the music scene. He is such a talent artist, he has written composition for other artist such as Della Ding, JiaJia, Fish Leong and etc. I would also like to mention jjunjun has started to translate Nirvana in Fire, please head over to her blog and show your support.

因為我們知道 這天終究會來到
We knew this day would eventually come
所以不計較 只要彼此可以過得更好
So we won’t argue, so long as both of us can be better off
當初愛的是你 當我哭時也是你
When I first loved, it was you; And when I cried, it was you
在我的身邊 讓我嚐到有被愛的感覺
By my side, giving me a taste of the feeling of love

謝謝你的美好 我絕對不會忘掉
Thank you for your greatness, I will never forget it
雖然那滋味 慢慢地 慢慢地 淡掉
Even though taste slowly, slowly fades away
今晚我們見面 算不算最後一遍
Will tonight be the last time we meet?
I promise myself not to cry

我們在散步 我們在殘酷 心裡早預估
We go for a walk, we’re being cruel, our hearts had already guessed it
誰要說出口 誰要當兇手 你還是我
Who will say it? Who will be the murderer? You or me?
我們的全部 所有的全部 只要在一步
Our everything, all of everything, there’s only one step left
就能夠解脫 就能夠擁有 得到自由
We can only free ourselves, we can only take our own freedoms

請你不要cry like this is a surprise
Please don’t cry like this is a surprise
哭出來 only make things 更難捱
Crying will only make things more difficult
我的愛 並沒有改
My love hasn’t changed at all
It’s the fault of time
(English) Girl you know that, right?
Girl you know that, right?

嘿 你把你眼淚擦乾
Hey, wipe your tears
嘿 你把你腳停下來
Hey, stop walking
(English) one more step, that’s all that we have left
one more step, that’s all that we have left

謝謝你的美好 我絕對不會忘掉
Thank you for your greatness, I will never forget it
雖然那滋味 慢慢地 慢慢地 淡掉
Even though taste slowly, slowly fades away
今晚我們見面 算不算最後一遍
Will tonight be the last time we meet?
I promise myself not to cry

我們在散步 我們在殘酷 心裡早預估
We go for a walk, we’re being cruel, our hearts had already guessed it
誰要說出口 誰要當兇手 你還是我
Who will say it? Who will be the murderer? You or me?
我們的全部 所有的全部 只要在一步
Our everything, all of everything, there’s only one step left
就能夠解脫 就能夠擁有 得到自由
We can only free ourselves, we can only take our own freedoms


Disclaimer: Lyrics has been translated by XiaoZero

4 thoughts on “Song: Yen-j 《嚴爵》- Thanks Your Greatness 《謝謝你的美好》

    1. His “暫時的男朋友 Temporary Boyfriend” was in George Hu’s drama “真愛趁現在 Love, Now”.

      I’m not sure about Rainie Yang, the only drama I’ve watched of hers was “Devil Besides You”


      1. i watched love, now too.. 🙂
        i searched and found ‘good things’.. and his face reminds me of Vic Zhou. he looks like him sometimes..
        but i do like this song so much.. ^^


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