
Blog update

Hello fellow readers!

First of all I would like to apologize for being MIA for such a long period of time. My pregnancy was a bit rough and life with a newborn was just so full on with sleep deprivation that I needed time to adjust.

I can safely say I’ll be returning to the c-novel community, my son is 3 months now so we have settled into a nice routine.  I look forward to spreading the BBPSAC love again. Hopefully I will have a new update sometime next week but until then I shall leave you with a gorgeous picture of baby Aiden.

82 thoughts on “Blog update

      1. Thank you. Can’t focus on it right now as im busy with everything else and still recovering over my stolen phone but everything is good now. Im glad we have you back. Don’t tire yourself and just update whenever you can.

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  1. Hi Hi Aiden ! Aunty thinks you are really cute 😍 especially your bright eyes ( bright black and round ) … People with such beautiful eyes are somehow sharp and intelligent ! Welcome to the world baby chubby 😙


  2. Welcome BACK~! Glad to know that you are alright~ =D Nice to meet you baby Aiden! Best wishes to you and your family~ ^-^ Looking forward to more BBPSAC whenever you have the time to update.


  3. Congrats on yr safe delivery n welcome adorable Baby!

    Looking forward to more of BBPSAC with baby keeping you company…..


      1. haha i’m fine thanks , no last august i traveled alone to jkt hihi, my hubby not want come said good weather in Fin when summer and comeback with 3 bags lol , i pay 1 more bag 🙂


  4. Congratulations on your safe delivery and glad to have you back. Take your time we will be patient 😀 he looks very adorable I will be greeting my nephew in 3 months can’t wait to meet him


    1. Aww! Little Aiden is soo cute! Enjoy motherhood! I haven’t seen my nephews in long while.. now looking at little Aiden, I miss them so much! I hope to see them soon!! My heartfelt love and blessings to Aiden! I know he’ll have a great childhood!!


  5. I am so happy for your new addition to the family!! Also, I am happy that you are coming back!! I have been checking your blog every month since you went MIA!! Love all your hard work and congrats!!


  6. Aiden is super adorable, sutekii! Glad to hear that you and the baby are well. Life with a newborn must be super rough but oh so worth it to have that adorable face to look at ❤


  7. Thanks for updating us. Aiden is so adorable and handsome.
    Glad to know that you will be picking up the project.
    Welcome back. Big Hug.


  8. Yay!!! Sooo happy that you’re back! Baby Aiden is so cute! As a mum of two..I know how hard it can be. Girl, I just wanna say you’re amazing to be able to do all this.


  9. Hi Sutekii

    Congratulations! What a super duper cute baby boy. He’s gorgeous.

    Welcome back and good to have you back as well 🙂


  10. Gosh, very late, but welcome back sutekii. And welcome into the world sweet little Aiden. 🙂 That adorable face sure makes the sleepless nights worth it.


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