
Song: Tanya Chua 《蔡健雅》 MC Hotdog 《熱狗》- Easy Come, Easy Go

I love Tanya Chua’s “Empty Space” and I thought the start of this song is quite nice and catchy as well. When you first listen to it, it doesn’t seem that great but you can’t help it but have it on repeat.

作詞:小寒/姚中仁 作曲:蔡健雅

(Mc hot dog)

為何他總是匆匆的來 又匆匆的走
Why does he come in a hurry and leave in a hurry
不願意再多停留 這房間 空空如我
Not willing to just stay in this room empty with nothing other than myself
Easy come and go 曖昧中又帶點矇矓
Easy come and go within the ambiguity is a little Haziness
為誰唱這歌在等候 它盡在不言中
What am I waiting to sing this song to concentrating on being silent
他上了車他走後 再見不需要承諾
After he got in the car and drove off his goodbye needs no promise
放輕鬆 不緊繃的關係 不需要臥底
Relax these are not binding ties there is no end to feel sad
或許 會牽手 或許只能在被窩裡
Or maybe we might hold hands but only under the covers
或許 別管過去 只沉溺在此刻的漩渦裡
Or maybe let’s not think about the past that only circles within the nests if certain moments of time

*(It’s so easy) easy come and easy go 是種自由(it’s a kind of freedom)
(It’s so easy) easy come and easy go 無須理由(you don’t need a reason)
你又何苦太苛求 愛必須久留
You are bothersome and demanding h long must this love stay
Forever is a quaint idea
Pleasure wins over tears
Who cares if there will be a future after daybreak

Right now holding hands with you
Sometimes leaning on your chest
只是取暖不說 天長地久
Is only a temporary form of warmth don’t talk about testing the depths of time
If there is no love then keep walking forward
When smiling you don’t need to mess around
我們甚至不必 成為朋友
And then we don’t need to become friends


感覺來的時候 你就該大方接受
When the feeling is right you should openly accept
(只有短暫的相處 所以這感覺永遠都會記住)
With only a short acquaintance this is why the feeling will forever be remembered
感覺淡的時候 就分手不要難受
When the feeling has dampened just break it off it doesn’t have to be painful
(Hey I miss you 我知道你的心 我不曾進駐)
Hey I miss you I know your heart I’ve never stationed
I already understand where the sickness lies and have thought about it thoroughly
While waiting for true love why not fill up your desires

Easy come easy go , that’s just what we do (it’s so easy)
Easy come easy go, that’s what we should do
你又何苦太苛求 愛必須久留
You are bothersome and demanding h long must this love stay
Forever is a quaint idea
Pleasure wins over tears

在我們之間 這些都不重要
Between us all of this is not important
這簡單的關係 不需要下猛藥
This simple connection doesn’t need to be poisoned
Who cares if we will have a future after daybreak
Easy come easy go 會是你 還是我先走掉 微笑的走掉
Easy come easy go will it be you or I who walks first walking away smiling

Disclaimer: Lyrics has been translated by JOCELLE over at Asianpopweekly

It only takes a few seconds to make someone smile.